As Russia’s aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, heads
to Syria via the English Channel, the UK’s mainstream news outlets have gone on
a mad frenzy of fearmongering headlines to further paint Russian president
Vladimir Putin of ‘flexing Moscow’s military might’ and of ‘provoking another
world war.”
Mail Online, a British news outlet featured a rather
terrifying clickbait story with the headline “The Russians are here! Putin’s
attack fleet arrives at Dover as warships enter channel on their way to launch
strikes in Syria.”
Another popular mainstream news website, The Independent has
produced a video clip showing “Russian warships in English water “a smokescreen
to distract world” while the BBC has bashed the Admiral Kuznetsov with stories
concerning the sorry state of toilets in the aircraft carrier to its troubled
engine and to a large tug boat accompanying the vessel ‘in case it breaks down.’
Also, British ‘analysts’ commented that the Russians ‘have achieved complete media
and public opinion focus on one bright, shiny object.”
Be that as it may, but the UK does not even have its own
aircraft carrier to match the Russian flotilla, which by now has passed the
English Channel onto the Mediterranean and probably towards Syria to launch
strikes against Islamic State terrorists. The British military will not have a
new aircraft carrier until next year with the HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS
Prince of Wales by 2020.
The British Defense Ministry for its part has bragged about
its capabilities, where Secretary Michael Fallon reassured “to keep Britain
safe” by “man marking” the Russian fleet passing the narrow English Channel.
Alas the hysteria is completely uncalled for. The Russian
aircraft carrier group’s deployment to Syria has been announced a few months
back. To make matters preposterous, Admiral Kuznetsov and its supporting
warships passage is via international waters and is being completely
transparent in their movements; there has been a deliberate and exasperated
attempt to sensationalize and plant even more hate against Moscow.
Meanwhile, in American mainstream media, the deployment of
the Russian aircraft carrier has been seen “as a kind of infomercial for its
weapons sales” and that the “battle group adds to Russia’s military leverage in
diplomatic negotiations with the United States and other Western powers over
the future of Syria.” The Russian flotilla was also described as “a threat to
its crew than anything else.”
These so called journalists have clearly missed how America
and its allies in Western Europe have ‘manufactured’ conflicts around the world
to merit their military’s deployment around the globe and with it billions of
dollars of weapons. Indeed, the Admiral Kuznetsov, a floating airbase carrying
more than 40 aircraft at a time, is just a ‘threat to its crew than anything