The latest mutation of Islamic fundamentalists in the Middle
East, ISIS is essentially an Al Qaeda offshoot and should be labeled made in
the USA. As countless lives have been ruined by this extreme group of
Islamists, is it time for the US to roll back this threat which they, in no
small part, helped create in Syria?
Not when Obama decides an offensive on ISIS in Syria, where
it took root as a rebel force against Assad’s government should be conducted without
any cooperation with the Syrian government. Now how arrogant is that when
you start planning to eliminate a threat in another country without the consent
of that host country’s government?
The choice not to cooperate with the otherwise willing Syrian
government seems logical when you consider who the United States supports in
the Middle East, most important of which is Saudi Arabia and Turkey. So
although the US and Syria have the same enemies by now, openly cooperating with
the Syrian government, which Obama pledged needs to go, will further complicate
its policy in the Middle East.
From Assad’s perspective, an unauthorized American
intervention in their territory could potentially transform the anti-ISIS
operation into a covert anti Syrian military offensive. Indeed for the past
three years, the United States has had a hard time rallying for an open military
operation against Syria, and this ISIS dilemma might present a new opportunity
to finally destroy Iran’s main ally in the region.
Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid Moallem already expressed his
government’s willingness to fight against the common threat, but warning that any
unilateral action in Syria without permission is unacceptable. This was quickly
snubbed by the United States, where the State Department said “we are not going
to be coordinating with the Assad regime, period” and that “they (Syrian
government) have allowed them (ISIS) to grow and we are not going to be working
with them to root out this threat.” From this arrogant statement, it seems the
State Department has forgotten that its support for “moderate opposition in
Syria” in the first place caused this latest Islamic mutation.
A main ally of Syria, Russia expressed their concern
regarding the planned bombing of ISIS
positions in Syria. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was quoted as
saying that the US and its allies had “to choose what is more important: to
change the regime, and satisfy personal antipathies with the risk that the
situation will crumble, or find pragmatic ways to join efforts against the
common threat.”